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04/29/18 11:43 AM #1371    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

So, where is everyone?  Catching up on outside work?  Have a happy day!

04/30/18 07:25 AM #1372    


Douglas Kladis

Guess they have better things to do, still love ya Donna 

04/30/18 10:04 AM #1373    


Theodore Williams

First twins game of the year Saturday.  Cold!   But we won.  The lawn service is here dethatching and cleaning up the development.  That’s a good sign. But we need a good soaking rain.  Some guys I know who fish Lake Vermillion say there’s still 18” of ice in places.  That’s my report from Rogers  

04/30/18 05:02 PM #1374    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Looks like Ted found some real signs of spring!!! What a nice pic, such a pretty ball field (yes people I said pretty.)

05/01/18 03:49 PM #1375    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Dave, yuck allergies, hope they pass soon. Something I do not suffer from, I feel sorry for those who do. I did read the other day the older we get the less allergies we suffer so, here's hoping you age fast. Sorry I had to , I couldn't pass that one up. (Watch me get allergies now, picking on a man of the cloth, what am I thinking, ha ha.)

05/03/18 06:55 PM #1376    


David Frazer

Donna, I did not mean to delete the post you responded to... my growing allergies have made me consider people who have real health issues and still accomplish things in an excellent way (Allergies: trying to read when the eyes are not focusing is minor).  God is good. 

05/03/18 08:49 PM #1377    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Dave, thanks for reminding me how blessed I am, I have been trying to work on that lately!

05/04/18 02:36 PM #1378    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Mary Ann seems to be missing, anyone hear from her lately?  Where oh where are you???


05/04/18 09:16 PM #1379    

Robert Ayre

Hey Donna! Is it considered "Blessed" having to put up with me on this website? What are you doing these days since your retirement from "Alice's restaurant" ? Enjoying all your family and friends.

Sorry to hear of the allergies Dave, Say how is your new house? My daughter bought a home in Stillwater and I think I have been there everyday since, painting, putting in a new water heater, new dishwasher, building shelves ....and of course spending some time with my grandson. I am enjoying being a grandpa getting him all wound up and then going home. I need to take him to Nelson's icecream  for a child size cone. NOT the child size is about a half gallon in a cup or cone. However I think I could help him with that before it melted.I think it is supposed to be nice on Sunday, I may get out kayaking. Starting to see some flowers coming up, a new spring. Hope all are doing well.  Take care, stay safe and healthy already went through that nasty flu, bad news with that, glad only lasted two days.

05/04/18 10:37 PM #1380    


David Frazer

 Donna, I am wondering how your retirement is going too.  Bob, the house in New Richmond is close enough to some of the grandkids (Cottage Grove) too that we have started a Wednesday tradition of them coming over for four hours; we have dinner together.  These three kids are a hoot.  Though the one year old smiles a mischievous grin.  I love it.  Sue drops everything and watches the kids at the drop of the hat. The four year old said, “Grandma, you're the bestest cook ever.”  We plan on staying here until our son graduates in four and a half years.  Our 14 year old son is the five year old grandson’s favorite.

05/05/18 12:18 AM #1381    


Steven Kaufhold

okay gang - SPRING HAS SPRUNG !!!

we've heard about a ball game... a handy man around the house... and allergies

Deb and I are gonna take the bikes down to Hastings this weekend.

anyone else?


05/05/18 03:08 PM #1382    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Everyone seems to be enjoying all the  beautiful weather with all sorts of wonderful things to do.  Since my DIMISE at the Swedish Inn I've been catching up on things around the house, remember we bought a foreclosure and have been trying to make it ours. Last year we had dead trees cut down so we now have sun. I am suppose to have some dirt dumped, so hopefully we will have grass in what use to be an over grown jungle. So I guess I have been a little busy!  Bob yes you are a blessing, even tho you may not think so. I hope you and Dave continue to enjoy those grand kids, they too grow up to fast, just like ours kids did. My 11 year old grandson no longer let's me kiss him in public, it's now a high five. Steve K bike riding ???? to much exercise,  my body would go into shock! So you and your wife have a great time and be safe.

05/05/18 03:34 PM #1383    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Seems we have another classmate joining our page. Welcome Mike Stoner.


05/12/18 02:31 PM #1384    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Happy Mom's Day moms!

05/13/18 06:28 AM #1385    


Denise Moore (Edgett)

Donna, wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day, too!

05/15/18 09:43 PM #1386    


David Frazer

What did all the mom's do on their day?

05/16/18 08:06 AM #1387    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Dave, I had a great Mothers Day. We went to my son and daughter-in-laws for a barbecue Her parents were there also, (they are our old neighbors.) My grandsons filled out a grandma  questionnaire, apparently one thinks I am 6 years old and have green eyes and the other  thinks I am 55 and have blue eyes. They both say I make coffee often, and say I love you alot. One of them likes it when I call him a bugger. They shared the fact that they were trying to record their farts. What's not to love about all of that. I hope your Fathers Day will be just as memorable.

05/17/18 11:26 AM #1388    


David Frazer

Donna, I don't know if any Father's day will be as great as your mother's day.  Your grandchildren sound wonderful to be around!

05/18/18 07:49 AM #1389    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Dave, thanks, sometimes we think differently. Two years  separate them so most of the time they are fighting over the same toys. They make us laugh more often than not. Enjoy all the memories they give you.


05/21/18 08:35 PM #1390    


David Frazer

Wow!  Talk about serving children.  I'm in residency the next four days and my roommate in the dormroom "suite" has 11 kids, 6 adopted.  The oldest is 12.  The professor who spoke today has 9 children, another professor has 7 (some adopted).  Makes me feel like an old cry baby with only one teenager at home.  I guess I am old enough now to appreciate their ministry to a larger family (a little slow on the draw, I know).  I wish I was smart enough to appreciate my High School classmates 44 years ago.  Blessings to all of you!

05/22/18 08:25 AM #1391    


Dennis Duff

My daughter Elizabeth will start her ministry as Upper Grade departmentalized teacher teaching English at St Martin's Lutheran School in Watertown S.D she graduated as leading Scholar in Education Ministry (4.0 all 4 yrs.) at Martin Luther College in New Ulm last Saturday, she just went and visited her 1st grade class which she student taught for 10 weeks at Mt. Olive Lutheran School in Appleton, Wisconsin, our son, Isaiah just finished his sophomore year at MLC and is continuing on "The Pastor Track" some day Dave I want you to meet him I think you would be able to have quite a conversation. It's the young people we have in our lives that keep us young! although the aches & pains tend to be a little more prevalent (no pain no gain) Hope you all have a safe Memorial Day weekend will make the yearly visit to Ft. Snelling, Newport, & Cottage Grove Cemeteries to pay our respects to our departed loved ones. 

05/25/18 11:49 AM #1392    


David Frazer

Thanks for sharing Dennis!  That is great seeing your children lead.  I would enjoy meeting your son (all your kids).  I am glad that heaven has no time; I can bug people for a long time. blush

05/27/18 07:58 AM #1393    

Donna Absey (Stuhr)

Thank you to ALL who serve, and have served , may you have a wonderful Memorial Day. 

05/28/18 06:38 AM #1394    


Mary Lou DeForth (Hosler)

I, too, would like to thank all the men and women of our class for their service to our great country ... and to your family members, friends and all that went before us who sacrificed much, including their lives.  Freedom is not free. God’s blessing on your all.

06/06/18 09:12 PM #1395    

Robert Ayre

Hi to all and hoping your summer is starting off great. Flowers blooming, lakes open and warm enough to swim, boat, fish...But of course always snowing in Minnesota throughout the year (cottonwood trees) wreaking havoc on A/C units, besides always landing in your face when you are carrying something. And then we also have the woodtick/mosquito season along with the 4 month road construction season. But then again there is the summer of weddings, graduations, barbecuing, walks, bike rides, cabin trips.... So, I wish everyone a great safe and fun summer!

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